
Inhale. Exhale. Finding balance. These are the thoughts that have swirled through my mind the last days. Am I inhaling as much as I exhale?

Exhale. Let’s talk exhale first. Some days I feel so drained. The going, the decisions, the caring, the cleaning, the cooking, the fixing of beds, the laundry. Learning new things, new people, new places. Getting used to strange noises in a new house. New schedules. The cars that drive by our house continually. The feeling of a pile of work that’s not finished. The feeling of things that I am sure I have forgotten, but what are they? Tired so much. These are exhales. I wonder what yours are. Is your weary cooking supper? Is your weary the fact that you half to stay up later than you like? Is your exhale draining you?

Then I started thinking about the inhale. The thing that popped into my head right away is the fact that I don’t always inhale properly. When I find the house quiet at last do I grab my phone and plop on the chair? Is my inhale an audio book playing constantly in the not so silence? Is my inhale filled with quietness? Sitting down and reading my Bible instead of scrolling my phone. Finding JOY in the birds chirping in the trees. Taking the time to view the sunset God painted today, just for us. Doing something for others, baking a loaf of bread, sending a happy card or a thoughtful message. Remembering birthdays. Smiling at the sad lady in Walmart. Being kind to the lady working easter Sunday in the dollar store. “Thank you for being here nice lady, I’m so glad I could buy owl band aids for my little girl.” I didn’t say that… I wish I would have. Thinking of others. Forgiving. Spreading joy. Singing. Sitting outside and soaking up the sun, even if it’s for 5 minutes. Being polite, thoughtful. Sighing prayers while driving. Making animal sounds for your toddler. Hugs. Saying “I love you”. Feeling our minds with healthy, positive thoughts. Viewing others through eyes of love.
